Tuesday 3 May 2016

Photography Final Images- decision

After a lengthy process filled with experimentation and use of editing software, I have finally came up with my final images.  I wanted to create an impact on my photos, so my first idea included an individual frame of images around each photograph. For the frames, I took pictures of my eyes to emphasize the feeling of being watched, I took distorted pictures of a clock to give the feeling of out of no control, I also added chains to represent feeling trapped and a timer to provide the idea of running out of time. However , this did not work well in creating a good effect to my photographs, in-fact it added a negative, messiness to them, so I decided to use what I already had made and group each selection of items together, then take a photo of them instead. I still wanted to include them in my design so I made them into photographs too.
During the editing process, I used an over exposure editing tool to add a disappearing, faded effect to the images, I quite liked this but it was too strong to use on the amount of photos I had. I also tried changing the images into black and white, again I liked this idea but I felt that it lacked appeal- I wanted to grab the attention of people and make them spend time with my work. I then came across an editing filter on my smartphone named 'lomo'. this gave the images a deep saturation as well as a slight over exposure to them- this was perfect. I decided to alter all the images with this 'lomo' filter and they turned out really well.

Initially, I decided on having 8 photos sized A4,  to provide an alternate vision of My world, My view. That soon changed as I realized I had a lot more images to develop and  present, so I decided  to use photos sized 5x5in. I soon realized that I was standing with 150 5x5inch photographs to use for my final. This was good though ,as it gave me plenty of availability to pick the better photo and discard of those which had no effect on mood.

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