Monday 26 September 2016


Impressionism is a movement which began in the 19th century in France.  The idea behind it,  was that most Artists painted outside to capture a moment in time. This could either be in the form of landscape portraits or of people as they were at that moment in time. Artists including Claude Monet,Edgar Degas,Auguste Renoir, Gustave Caillibotte and Paul Cezanne were all part of the impressionism movement in the early 1900s. It wasn't long after the movement began that British Artists such as Walter Edwards Sickert and Wilson Steer were influenced and created their work inspired by impressionism.
Artists who were part of the Impressionism movement play a large part in our history,  with their help we are given insight into what life used to be like before the modern technology we have these days. Today we have advanced in so many ways through all aspects of life. As far as technology goes, We have mobile phones,  computers,  flat screen TVs and Led lights.  We also have electric trains, air conditioning and online shopping.  Our world has advanced in so many ways in the last 100 years, that's why the impressionist paintings are so valuable.
Impressionist Artists have been able to capture a moment in time through their work, The details in every painting provides an idea of how things used to be. One of my favourite images which reflects the effects of industrial revolution is: Paris Street,  Rainy day (1877) by Gustave Caillebotte

This is a perfect example of how a normal day in Paris would be. The painting shows a man and woman smartly dressed walking casually through a street,  behind them, there is a street light which suggests that there weren't any electric Street lights.  It is difficult to image what life must have been like in the late 1900s, especially nowadays,  where we use electric and solar power. Its safe to say, the majority of us would feel lost. Another key point in this painting is the clothing in which the people are wearing.  Back when this was created,  people would have to visit a tailor or seamstress to have their clothing made. The colours were very plain also, Not like the vast majority of colours,  style,  texture and pattern design we have today.  I must admit, although I wouldn't change anything,  I do feel like the fashion designers have slightly lost control of practicality and purpose. Who would ever have believed that an outfit made of meat, worn by pop star Lady Gaga would ever be made?! Clothing seemed less complicated in those days.
Another Artist who's work I admire is Claude Monet.  Monet's passion was to create real sense of  natural light within his work. Although he explored this through many of his flower paintings,  the painting I found most interesting was: La Gare Saint-Lazar (1877)
 I feel this is a perfect image of a time unknown. Every detail in this painting provides evidence to how different transport used to be. The steam engine is the centre focal point, it provides a statement of a solid product of industry.  A steam engine, was once modern and new but now, it is a part of the past. This is why it is the perfect example to show the effect of industrial revolution.
I have enjoyed learning about the impressionism movement,  I am interested in studying the works of various Artists and see how they compare. I like the idea that an moment in time has been captured and I find it fascinating.

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