Friday 7 October 2016

Wasps Artists Studios

I went to Wasp Artist Studios in Selkirk over the weekend to see an exhibition of Artists work.  There is approximately 15 Artists currently working at the Studios,  each one with a different style and technique.
It was a great opportunity to go along and admire the different Artworks as well as walking round the Artists Studio space. I was also lucky enough to speak to a few of the Artists. Mary Morrison,  Moy Mackay, Liz Douglas and Colin Philip were the Artists I managed to speak with, they were all very friendly and informative with explaining their work and what inspires them. I especially enjoyed meeting Colin Philip, I thought his work was amazing.  His main medium is acrylic paint but he also works in charcoal and does photography.  The way he was able to create texture and add light and shadow into some of his city scenes was amazing to see. I also spoke with Liz Douglas,  where she described how she done her papermaking.
I had an amazing time and I am so pleased that I didn't miss this amazing opportunity.  Below are some of the artworks from various Artists that I found interesting :

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