Wednesday 22 February 2017

Self portrait - Frida Kahlo influence

I decided to use Frida Kahlo's,  self portrait with thorn necklace and hummingbird 1940 for my inspiration. I found Kahlo's work to be interesting,  raw and full of depth.  After a tragic accident that happened when she was younger,  she experienced a lot of pain and dispair. She used her emotion and experience to create her art,  where pain was a common feeling presented in most.
In my image, I drew myself with barbwire cutting into my neck, this is to represent suffocation.  It also shows lack of control and distress through the wire piercing the skin. I also added scars to my face to show an idea of damage.  When I look in the mirror I don't recognise the person looking back, I see someone who is scarred, broken and hideous,  I feel anger and misery all at once.  The Oriental lily in my hair is meant to stand out from the rest of the image, it resembles beauty, fragile and innocence. Whereas on the other side, there is a raven, constantly watching my every move, waiting for any sign of weakness.  I enjoyed this type of work but would have preferred to have more time to perfect it.

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