Saturday 21 November 2015

Museum visit

On Wednesday we went to the wilton museum in Hawick to look at an Art exhibition.  We saw some lovely paintings, photography and prints as well as a sculpture of a kite. There was approximately 6 different artist who took part in exhibition and their work was displayed amongst some older work.  I found it great to look around at the different styles and techniques each artist has used. It made me think what my style was like.  Although there were a few pieces I found interesting,  my favourite one out of everything was "ploughed field" by william Johnstone,  circa 1970. I found the painting to be very interesting and the longer I looked at it, the more I could see. I am still interested to find out exactly what the idea is behind the painting.  Overall I had a lovely time feel better about experimenting with my work and working on a larger scale.  I took some photos and ive decided to present them in a collage  to group each artists work. 

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