Tuesday 10 November 2015

The panel with the mask, Henri Matisse, Fauvism

In class we have been learning about Henri Matisse and Fauvism.  I have learned that Matisse started to create art later on in life,  but is known as a great artist in Fauvism and still well known for his talent today. We were to take a picture from the 'cut out' art and recreate it ourselfs.  The one that instantly inspired me was,  "The panel with mask " which was created in 1947. The original was put together using gouache on paper, cut and pasted and measured 110x53cm. I found the bright, vibrant colours very interesting and could not wait to get started. I am aware that this particular piece does not look difficult to replicate-due to its simplicity - it wasn't. That is what I like about it,  not that it looked easy, but because the colours were amazing and I knew I could work with it and come up with something quickly and impressive.  I used a variety of acrylic paints to create the background and some of the shapes on top,  as well as white paper.  I cut and pasted the shapes and this is what I came up with. The first image is the original.  I thoroughly enjoyed doing this,  I think this is my favourite movement so far.

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