Wednesday 16 December 2015

Border reivers banner

In class we have been looking at producing an advertisement for the Border Reivers festival.  Our options were to design a poster,  banner or t-shirt.  I have decided to go with a banner for my design.  The scene I have chosen is a battle scene. I chose A rider and horse to be the centre of my banner,  with a person from the opposition either side.  My idea was to bring across the fear and intimation felt by, all those caught up in the fight.
At first I projectcted the images I wanted to use onto a piece of paper.   I then experimented with water colours in separate card to create a sky background. I painted my individual people with acrylic paint then positioned them in front of the sky scene.  At this point,  I was quite confident in how I was going to carry through to my final design. My next stage was creatting another background for the field,  I used watercolour for this aswell.  I set up my design then copied it and repeatedly shrunk it until I was happy with the size.  While doing this, i looked at composition to see how I could alter the impact of fear and intimation.  I added extra people and copied these images too, so I could compare one picture against the next.  In the end I decided to go with my original design with only the 3 figures and a horse. I made different samples of colours I could use for a sky background,  For this I used Batik fabric dye on wet cotton.  This produced a lovely effect with each variety of colours I used.
Today was the start of my banner design. I could not decide if I preferred to have a dark blue eerie sky or a reddish yellow to resemble blood... So I done two separate examples. I started by projecting my images onto the material and using batik dye to create my sky.  Im thinking of using acrylic paint to use for my people to make them stand out from the background ,  this is what I came up with so far..

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Haining project repeat pattern

I decided to use the design on the front of the Haining to use as a pattern for a cushion cover.  I wanted to try something different, so I looked at Andy Warhol's pop art collection. I  wondered if i could take the idea but add my own twist. 
I started by drawing the image on a piece of paper,  then photocopying the image another 8 times.  I painted on canvas using acrylic paint,  using colours that were similar to the original but brighter. I then painted over the photocopied image,  still keeping in with the colours used in each individual image.  I stuck them on then photocopied the canvas.  It came out very well.  I shrunk the image down to various sizes then repeated the pattern.  I tried to expand on my cushion design so I made a collage of a home setting to show how my design could be used,  not only as a cushion design but how it could be expanded throughout the home.  I am pleased with the outcome. 

Saturday 5 December 2015

Repeat design

After a visit to The Haining,  Selkirk.  I have decided to use the shape of the pillar on the balcony to use as one of my designs.  I started by looking at cubism and wondered if i could do a similar idea.  I cut out cardboard shapes and  I used oil paints to keep in with the cubist feel and colours. I then used a lino cutting to make a print of the same shape and used a photocopier to shrink the shape. I then used it as a repeat pattern on different backgrounds to see what I could create. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Sunset- fire in the sky

I took this a few days ago outside my house. An absolutely perfect sky.