Friday, 5 February 2016

led lights and bubbles

I wanted to try one more idea using LED lights, before looking at another ways of creating effect with photography.  I thought that by using coloured LED lights while blowing bubbles would produce an interesting effect.  I began with covering my strip lights with clingfilm -so they were not damaged - then blew bubbles above the lights.  I used my Nikon camera for this and I was very disappointed with the outcome.  The photos did not seem to show any bubbles,  just an overpowering coloured light. I do feel my Nikon camera is great to use,  but as I have said in a previous blog,  it's Strong point does not involve using bright lights.  I then tried to take photos with my Sony Xperia smart phone,  this also produced a disappointing effect,  very similar to my Nikon camera. At this point I felt slightly confused as to why this didn't work,  was it the background colour?  Were the lights positioned correctly? Would I have been better trying this again in the daytime?  I wanted to try one last thing before packing up so I downloaded the 'timeshift burst'!app for my phone. Previously,  I have said that I would prefer to take my own photographs than  using any help or tricks to change the end result.  This time,  I decided to use the timeshift burst to give me a better chance of capturing a photo which would work. I felt with the fast falling bubbles,  it was better to try a different approach.  The photos I have came up with are not as I expected. In my mind, i had envisioned a perfectly round bubble with a variety of single colour tones throughout, this is not what I got.  Instead I have ended up with a combination  of vibration and movement. It isn't necessarily a bad thing,  in some ways it has produced an interesting result with possibilities for other ideas.  Here are some of my favourite pics...

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