Wednesday 17 February 2016

Overexposure - stairs

Where I stay, there is a set of stairs situated not far from the main streets.  These stairs have always had interesting stories and "nicknames" for how dangerous they are,  or about things that have happened around them.  Basically, they have quite an eerie feel to them. What I find most interesting,  is that the stairs dont serve a great purpose,  they lead up to a street of houses but there is also another way to the same place. However,  I have always found the quirkiness and unevenness of the stairs themselves to be quite interesting.  I also like the tunnel shape surrounding the stairs. I wanted to create a series of images that would add character and colour to the feel of the image. I actually found this more difficult than I first thought.  I thought mainly about composition but the stairs were so uneven that it was more difficult to capture the correct angle. I then tried using an over exposed filter on one of the images then cropped it slightly.  I feel this has produced a brighter,  sharper and, more pleasing image.  This is what I came up with

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