Wednesday 24 February 2016

Photography using mirrors in the garden

After looking at objects around the home,  I wondered what else I could use as a reflection.  I decided to go outside and put the mirror on the concrete stairs.  I thought it would be interesting to use the pattern on the concrete so that the reflection would almost resemble a reflection of buildings on water.  I felt the image was good but didn't have any relevance to it.
I adjusted the mirror so that it was no longer against the step. This was a good decision as the night sky was reflected in the mirror.  I was very pleased with this result because, it almost looks like there is a hole in the step.
I tried the same idea by placing the mirror onto the grass.  I feel this worked but not as well as the step. Unfortunately I was unable to take a good image without using the flash at this time of night, so the reflection of the flash is visible on the mirror. In future,  I will use the same idea but when it is lighter outside. I like how the garden fence is also reflected in the mirror as it adds emphasis to depth and adding to the idea that there is a hole underground.

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