Friday 26 February 2016

Juice bar design - seating

I have been thinking about what style of tables and chairs I would like to use for my design. I first thought about making furniture in the shape of fruit such as watermelon,  lemon, strawberry and blueberry.  After using cardboard to construct the furniture,  I was not pleased with the quality. In the meantime,  I had set up the flooring to hopefully inspire me with the style of the furniture.  After looking at the lights with the flooring,  I decided to steer away from the shaped furniture as I felt it would be too busy and have no positive effect on the whole design.
I then tried using air drying clay to see what I could come up with.  I liked  using the clay because it was easy to work with and I could construct furniture in different styles and sizes with ease to see what would work best. I started by making tub chairs and stools with no feet,  I then used cocktail sticks , other wooden sticks and metal pins. The cocktail sticks looked really good but the metal pins did not add height to the seats so that did not work.  For my next design, I used some nails pushed up through the clay,  which worked better than the cocktail sticks and provided a more sturdy design. After comparison,  I am thinking of using the tables and chairs with the nails.




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