Friday 26 February 2016

Juice bar design - seating colour

I am keen to keep my design minimalistic with the same theme. I have decided to use four fruits and four colours within my design -strawberry,  lemon, watermelon and blueberry  with red, yellow,  green and blue to represent the colours of the four fruits. I used acrylic paint to paint on the clay seats with different styles so I had a variety of options to chose from. I also looked at composition of the furniture to see what would provide a functional layout.  After experimenting with this,  i have decided to have 2 sets of 4 seats and 2 sets of 2 seats. I will not be using the stools as part of the design as they do not have the same appeal as the tub chairs.

After completing this task,  I have made the decision to keep the furniture white.  I feel this would work best against the coloured floor. I am hoping  the colours from the floor would be reflected against the white furniture and produce an interesting effect.