Friday 26 February 2016

Juice bar design - flooring

For the flooring for my juice bar I wanted to come up with a slightly different design compared to images I have sourced online.  The images of juice bars I have seen, contain similar colours, style and theme. While thinking about designing a juice bar,  I thought about who my target audience would be.  I decided it would be aimed mainly  at 18-30year olds and I would need to use bright, vibrant and fun colours . I wanted to use red, yellow,  green and blue for my colour scheme  to represent the colour of fruits. I sourced some battery operated lights in these colours and I will be using these for my main lighting.  The lights will be placed under clear acrylic tiles to create an interesting design.  After assembling my design,  I am extremely pleased and excited about what my finished product will look like.

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