Wednesday 2 March 2016

Juice bar - interior design ideas

For the interior walls for my juice bar,  I have been thinking about the best way to use my fruit colours red,  blue,  green and yellow.  As my flooring will be quite bright, I will need to keep the walls quite bright and light. I have tried a few different options to see what looks best.

I like the bright colours in this one but i think the colours are too dark.

 I think the swirl patterns work well- there is a good amount of colour and still a lot of white to reflect the flooring lights.

I feel the plain walls in this design are too plain,  maybe adding a mirror on them or a pattern would work,  but I probably won't use this option. 

This is my favourite option so far,  I wanted to use an uneven pattern so it is more fun than serious.  I also tried to create texture of fruit by glueing sand to the card before painting over. Although this worked,  it feels like a fine sandpaper.

I will construct my flooring again and try these options again to give me a clearer idea of what would work best.

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