Tuesday 2 February 2016

Tutti frutti pattern design

At present,  I am working on an interior design idea for my assignment.  The theme of this project is Tutti Frutti,  and the design idea is for a juice bar.  I have been very excited about trying an interior design idea,  when I discovered I was able to design a juice bar, I was full of ideas straight away.
I have recently completed 3 assessments,  but I have learned that I tend to produce a lot of ideas,  instead of spending more time expanding some of my better ones. This time I have already planned my project better and used one idea to expand instead of 3 or 4.
For the assessment I need to design the interior and exterior of a juice bar, using only the theme,  Tutti Frutti. This includes, designs for interior walls,  flooring, soft furnishings, seating,  structure,  lighting,  signage and the exterior.  I will need to think about imagery,  colours,  tonal value,  size,  materials and practicality. I will also be looking at lighting,  and repeat pattern through the process.
I have decided to start with the design for the interior walls.  I thought it would be interesting to have a different colour for each wall and choose 4 fruits to use as part of the main theme.  After using a different combination of colours, looking at composition and comparing texture and pattern of fruits.. I decided to use strawberry,  lemon, blueberry and watermelon. I used a mixture of acrylic paints and sharpie pens for the background colour,  with some clipart fruit sourced on Google for my example stage,  I will draw my own fruit for my final assessment.
 I am quite pleased with my decision on colour and tone, this is what I have came up with so far..

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