Friday 29 January 2016

Photography -My planets

After looking back at my tunnel vision idea for my photography portfolio,  I wondered how I could expand on that idea.  Instead of using my Nikon camera,  I decided to see what quality of photographs I could achieve with my Sony Xperia smart phone. I looked through my camera effects but was disappointed when I discovered there was no timeshift burst. I must admit, I am not keen on using timeshift burst when taking photos,  I would like to think that I could take the 'perfect' shot without the use of an app. Anyway,  slightly straying away from the point of this blog.... I came across a circular viewpoint in my creative effects app. It chances the camera view to that of a circle,  similar to looking through a telescope or kitchen roll tube. This is exactly what I was looking for to expand my tunnel vision idea.  Now,  by this point,  I had already made the decision to use LED lights as part of my effects. I then thought about shining the lights onto a bath full of bubbles.  I feel very pleased with the results and I have named this set of photographs, 'my planets '. The last point I want to make is that,  now looking at them,  aware of the technique, it may seem more obvious how it was done.  If I displayed these photos in a different context without an explanation,  I think it would gain more interest and curiosity but here are my results,  feel free to comment as it is always good to get other opinions.

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