Friday 29 January 2016

Photography - behind bars

Another set of photographs I took, were done using the same technique as 'the moon.' I took 4 photographs using Different items behind a wire wall. I wanted to create a harsh, trapped,  prison feel.
The person at the top left has his arms towards the wire,  this was to give the feeling of being trapped.  The key is my favourite part, the key represents freedom but the wire is in the way of reaching it.  If you look close enough,  there is a really nice effect to the key,  it almost has a bit of trickery between the wire and the key at the top,  giving the sense that it is within reach. The flowers were to just show beauty and life ruined by something horrible.  The final image is to represent a loving couple hopeless and admitting defeat.  I wanted to provide a sense of innocence, destroyed by the couple being held against their will. Overall I wanted to create a feeling of intimidation and pain,  I have hopefully been able to do this.  The wire bars were part of an electric racket /bug zapper. I think this was effective.

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