Friday 29 January 2016

Photography - different view points - the moon

I was thinking about how I could create an interesting image,  or set of images using different view points.  I wanted to design a collage of 4 images using the same technique. My aim is to make people look close at the images and study them. I would not like it to be obvious what I have used to create each technique.
This is my first collection of images. My idea was to create a view with the using the idea of tunnel vision. I wanted to 'block' out the surroundings and focus on one viewpoint.  I like this set of images as I feel that it resembles the moon.  All I did, was positioned my camera carefully at the end of a kitchen roll, looking at a white wall.  I am very pleased with the result and I found it interesting to use this to play a trick on the mind.

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