Friday 4 March 2016

Juice bar design - serving bar

I have made my first serving bar design for my project. At first, I wanted to make a curved serving area but I came across some foam board. I will be making a few different designs to see what would work well,  so I thought I would start with a more rectangular design first.  I started by cutting sections of foam board then gluing them together with craft glue,  this took a little time to set so I will try superglue next time. I then added a photograph of mixed fruit - which I took myself - then stuck it onto the foam board.  I left some white either side of the photograph so that it wasn't too busy.  With the floor quite bright,  I would still like to keep most of the furnishings white,  or with white on them to reflect the lights.  I then added a metal mesh infront of the photograph to add detail, im hoping this will also look good against the lights. I liked the idea of using a photograph as part of the design because it looked more professional than a drawing.

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