Friday 8 April 2016

David Hockney Photographer and Artist

I was looking for a photographer who I could use for inspiration for my photography unit.  I came across the work of Photographer David Hockney, I was instantly drawn to his photo collages, I liked the style he used and effect he was able to create.
When I started to research Hockney, I found that he didn't just do photography, but he also painted and sketched drawings as well as stage design work and graphic design.  As I started to look through his work, I noticed that he didn't seem to have a specific style and it was interesting to see the variety of work that he produced. There was a large variety of work, from photo collages to design inspired paintings.  He also used a variety of media throughout his work, some of what he used, was acrylic paint, oil paint, water colours, charcoal and even crayons and pen.
I found my information on
The webpage itself was very well set up, it was easy to access and all Hockneys work was in order of when it was done, this gave me a better idea about the different stages of his art and vision. From the beginning to present, it is clear to see that Hockney has captured people and places throughout the years in their natural setting, almost presenting a visual diary of how things have changed over the last 50 odd years. In doing this , it has made me realise that he is not painting and drawing anything that interests him but is making recordings of the world through his vision.
I was very keen to learn more about this Artist and Photographer so I continued to find some background information.  I discovered that David Hockney was born on 9th July 1937.  In 1959 he started studying at the Royal College of Art, London. In 1961 he wins Junior Section Prize in the John Moore's painting exhibition in Liverpool. Later on, in 1967 he returns to the Walker Art Museum in Liverpool to walk away with first prize for his painting, "Peter getting out of Nick's pool." From then on, Hockney has expressed himself throughout his art with Picasso as his main inspiration.  He uses a variety of different techniques and processes and I am fascinated with the work he has done. I had selected a few images which I have found interesting and inspiring, each for a different reason. These include, "timber gone", 2008 charcoal on paper, "Margaret and Ken, Bridlington" 2002, ink on paper, "Skeleton", 1959, Charcoal, "what about the caves" 1991, oil and many more. Unfortunately, when I logged back onto the webpage , I was presented with this...

                                " STOP
       This site and contents are copyright David Hokney
and may not be reproduced anywhere at anytime in any form."

so I figured I would be better to delete all my pictures just to be safe....... such a shame.

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