Wednesday 30 March 2016

creative project Tutti Frutti Juice Bar

For my assessment, i chose to do a Product design, which involved designing a Juice bar with the theme "Tutti Frutti".
For my project my design involved making an interior and exterior of a Juice bar. Instantly i was attracted to this idea, i felt excited about what i could do through colour and imagery.  After thinking about who my target audience would be, i decided that 18-30year olds would be the best option. The reason for this, was so that i could make a design appealing to a wider audience, i felt that narrowing the theme to either teenagers or using a sophisticated theme would limit who would all go.
I researched artists and designers to inspire me on the type of furniture i would use and overall design for the interior and exterior. Marcel Breuer was a large influence on chair design, i felt he had a unique and interesting style. i also found the work of Phillipe Starck very interesting. He used bright colours as well as unique designs throughout his work. The Rockwell group and David Collins were great for inspiration on interior Design.
For my research, i wanted to give myself the best opportunity in creating my design. I began with photographing a variety of fruit to se what i think would work best through colour and texture. I then made sketches and drawings to get a feel for how i could work with shape and form and use it in my style.
Initially when constructing my first model, i used mount board, only to find that it did not produce a great effect when painted. I also felt that it wouldn't be sturdy which would possibly effect my final outcome. I then tried foam board which worked a lot better, it was sturdy, easy to cut and when painted , the colours were more vibrant.
The main problem that i had was deciding what type of paint to use, i was going to use acrylic paint from the beginning but felt that the paint was heavy in colour. Near the end of my design process i used spray paint and found that the colour and texture was perfect for how i wanted my design to look.
I believe that through my design i gave a lot of thought about making my Juice bar "fit for purpose". I paid close attention to seating, disability access and spacing between seating.
My final design is presented as a3D model, i am very pleased with the result especially the underfloor lighting which i added, using red, green, blue and yellow to represent the colours of fruit.

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