Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tool Aid - preparation for assessment

At college  we have been focusing on a new unit with the theme,  "Tool Aid". In preparation for this unit, we have been looking at a variety of different tools. Our main focus has been on gardening and Diy tools. We are also able to expand by thinking about other types of tools,  such as: machinery,  kitchen utensils or stationary.
Over the last couple of days,  I have been drawing a selection of tools from life, using a variety of media to see what works well through tonal value and detail. I have used Indian ink, charcoal,  pencil,  pen, charcoal pencils and watercolour pencils throughout this design process.  So far, I feel that the Indian ink had the best overall effect,  I liked the way there was a natural flow when creating lines, and by adding water, the ink could be manipulated into a watered-down effect . I also discovered that it was quick and easy to use.  My least favourite media was the watercolour pencils,  I felt that the colours were not strong enough to to make the object feel solid and heavy aswell as the tonal value not being as good as it could be.
I have enjoyed this process, I now have a better understanding of why artists use a certain type of media to express and replicate an object from still-life observation.

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