Friday 16 September 2016

Mono print - self portrait

In class we are doing a unit on self portraits. As a starting point,  we experimented with mono printing, using black ink on a board with paper on top. We began with 5 a4  printed images of our head and shoulders,  one face on, one image looking each side and two 3/4 facing images.  I was very nervous about this unit initially as my weakness is drawing portraits, to my releif,  the task was alot easier than I thought.
 We began by placing one of the printed images on top of a piece of paper, (on top of the rolled ink), then drew around the image. We were free to choose what we wanted to draw with, and how to add shading and detail through various mark making.  This was simple and fun to do.
I began with a linear drawing,  then adding more shading and heavier lines to the next. I followed that by alternating which image I was using as a template and began to experiment.  I came up with some interesting results by using multiple images,  thinking about composition and placement.  I was enthusiastic about how far I took take my idea's and I was very pleased with my results.  Throughout the process, I also learned how to add tones and that by using various pressure,  I could produce a more realistic final image.


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