Monday 19 September 2016

Romanticism - a brief description

There are several characteristics involved in Romanticism,  including: sympathetic interest in the past, sensibility, love and nature, mysticism, romantic criticism and primitism.  Romanticism first came about as a reaction to rationalism and the best work was made in the early 18th century. It wasn't until after the horrific occurrences of the French Revolution,  that Artists decided to express their emotions through their paintings.
one Artist's work which I found interesting was the work of J W M Turner (1775-1851), a well-known landscape Artist who expressed his feelings through his paintings. One painting which caught my attention was, Snow storm: Hannibal and his army crossing the Alps. This painting describes the long,  tiring fight Hannibals soldiers had trying to cross the Alps in 218Bc against the foul forces of nature. Turner uses a large black storm cloud to emphasise the darkness and difficulty felt. The people are shadowed by the storm cloud, although there is sunlight trying to break through the clouds,  there doesn't seem to be much hope.
Snowstorm :Hannibal and his army crossing the Alps (1812)

Another Artist who was inspired by nature was, Caspar David Friedrich(1774-1840) .  Although,  both Artists shared their inspiration,  they worked completely different to one another.  Fredrich used fine brush strokes to express his emotion in, Arctic Shipwreck (1824). This painting is about the harshness of forces of nature and not being in control.
Arctic Shipwreck (1824)

Another Artist that I looked at was famous poet, printmaker and painter,  William Blake (1757-1827). I found his work,  Frontispiece to the Visions of the Daughters of Aibon (1793) were interesting,  and slightly disturbing. The painting contains Oothoon tied back to back with her rapist (Bromion) while her lover (Theotormon) holds his head in despair and jealousy. The painting is about Blakes views of Judeo-christian values of marriage. 
This was created near the end of the 18th century but shows a completely different style from Turner and Fredrich.

Frontispiece to the Visions of the Daughters of Aibon (1793)

After looking at various Artist who played a large part in the Romanticism movement,  I still feel I have alot to discover about the emotional attatchment these Artists felt and what made them feel so passionate that they felt the need to express their feelings.

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