Sunday 10 January 2016

Dada art - Kurt schwitters inspired collage - zero fare

At the moment my favourite medium to use is acrylic paint.  I have been keen to try different media to recreate art,  I want to broaden my range so that I have a better understanding of why artists have their favourite materials they like to use.  I began to look at the Dada movement to see if I was able to create a collage.  After looking at many artworks,  I felt most inspired by Kurt schwitters.  I like the way his main focus was not on ww1, and how he could take everyday materials such as bus tickets,  newspapers and fabric and use them to create a work of art.  At first I thought,  this would be quite simple and was probably thrown together with not much thought.  It wasn't until 20 minutes into my Dada art, that I realised there was alot more thought process. I had to think about position and composition as well as, use of colours and tones. I was also made aware of texture, and had to decide how best to add fabric.  I really enjoyed making a collage,  the longer I spent on it,  the more easier it became and the more inspired I felt.  This is what I came up with,  I call it zero fare.

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