Friday 11 March 2016

Portfolio talk- Bethany Pringle

At college we had a visit from a student studying textiles at Edinburgh college,  she was previously a student at Galashiels college,  her name is Bethany Pringle. At present,  Bethany has been doing a major in textiles for a year and she brought her portfolio into class to show us her work. It was interesting to see the type of work she was doing and how it was presented.  She chose an African theme for her design, she produced examples and samples of her work using various techniques such as Drawing,  dyeing with food and stencil work. What I liked most is how neat and precise her work was. I started to think how I present my work and it made me wonder if I do too much in the way of ideas,  instead of having a main focus. I also remember her work flowing very well from start to finish,  it was great to see. Aswell as her textile design,  Bethany also brought along some other art work she had done.  There was a few life drawing pieces done with different media,  it was nicely set out so that you could look at the difference between each piece of work.  I took some photos of her sketch book to remind me of the way she presented her work.  Overall I found it great seeing another students portfolio and I am quite confident with what I am doing.

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